Friday, 10 September 2010

The house is still standing...

I asked for prayer - well begged really - a couple of days ago as fires approached my sister's boyfriend's family home in Colorado. One thing I have learned from this, people, is that firefighters are serious heros. Not just kinda maybe heros, but hardcore men who wont just risk their lives to safe you life - they'll risk their lives to save your possessions!

The Faul's home.

Engines parked in their driveway.

More than 20 firefighters were assigned to the few houses on this road - they guarded them day and night. Without exaggeration 100's if loads of slurry and fire retardant were dumped on this neighbourhood, thousands of man hour and hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent to protect these families and their homes.

Fire retardant on the windows

The bomber and lots of slurry dust on the house

Apparently the firefighters even went into the house to remove gas cylinders and anything combustable, and upon doing so noticed that the freezer had defrosted onto the floor (as there's been no electricity for days) and they found towels and CLEANED UP THE WATER so that there was no damage done to the wooden floors. Like HELLO? How amazingly above and beyond is THAT?

Not even 100ft off the ground, with sleep declines and inclines. Incredible pilots. 

Charred forest in the back, middle and foreground taken from the house. 

Taken from one of the rooms windows

Sunshine Canyon, where 29 homes were lost, as seen from the house. 

Please continue to pray for protection over the homes that are still standing - apparently two further fires started out of nowhere yesterday close to the house. They are not out of danger yet. Also prayer for those families who have lost their precious homes would be so appreciated - the Faul's home has been spared for now but having come face to face with the reality of loosing ones home has given us fresh eyes of compassion for those who have suffered such an immeasurable loss.

These skies were completely free of cloud - the shadow of smoke cast over the people of Boulder. Please cover them in prayer over the next few days!

*All photos on this page are property and under copyright of Ivan Faul.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. So glad those firemen are that close. What a beautiful home!
    ON a lighter runs...used to be at 5 a.m., now it's dark. I've settled on 6:15 a.m. on the weekends. My boy wakes at 6:20 for middle school. So...on weekdays I have to run after I drop the girls off at school. I'm trying to fit them in...makes such a difference in my mood!


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