Friday, 17 September 2010


Most days I read my American Friends blogs with envy. Farms, barns, sunshine, school buses...  This week I've been planning a tea for 500. A traditional English Afternoon Tea.

Im heading it up and I've been a LOT crazy the past few days, hence the lack of posts!

Scrolling through my phone pictures today to show our interior designer at the venue what flowers we have bought for the tea, I came across some beautiful shots - the memory of taking them had long since seeped through the cracks of short term memory and TO DO list.

I took these on a walk around Hampton Court Palace - two miles from our front door and free to get into. A gentle reminder to me of how much I adore England.

Its easy to forget what a privilege it is to live in a country with such rich history and beauty on your doorstep. It's such a beautiful thing to see England again through fresh eyes, like I did the very first time I arrived on this fair, green land.

It sat right in my soul that I should be in awe of the fact that I get to walk through King Henry the 8th's formal gardens. With my Dog. For free. And that I should be overwhelmed to tears by the floral perfume of exquisite English roses, who have no equal in scent and beauty. Their perfume so strong that it lingers in your hair for a while after your walk.

I love England and, one day, when you visit - I'd LOVE to show you why.

1 comment:

  1. And we envy YOU with your english gardens, charming villages and rolling countryside! Ah the grass is always greener right?:)


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