Monday, 3 May 2010

In for a penny, in for a pounding...

Its Michael's favourite thing to say to me when I'm shopping for furniture on ebay... So earlier today I said that I was looking at getting some cot bumpers all sorted, and then onto general unpacking bliss... WELL... a very short gmail chat with a friend who will be staying soon reminded me about some french styled furniture that was ending soon - almost exactly what im after for the room she is going to be staying in (which is currently FULL of boxes). I know I should be following my full disclosure policy I so boldly set out yesterday - but unless I get at least FIVE comments from FIVE DIFFERENT people on this page, its safe to say no one cares enough for it to be worth embarrassing myself to the two of you who currently read my new thread. I will take some pictures tomorrow and then I can use them as "before and after" type scenarios to help you deal with the shock of seeing what is opposite the soon to be new nursery.

Anyhoo, I managed to get on in time to do the complicated bidding required (two items ending two minutes apart of which you want neither if you cant have either... you know what I mean?) and it just so happened that bidding closed over happy hour... All three of the men in my life get REALLY grouchy when food is withheld - so you must know how stressed this made me! Daddy to the rescue really. He cooked us ALL dinner and fed both boys. Complicated bidding over, im the proud new owner of some beautiful french vintage pieces (a dressing table, stool, side table and wardrobe) certainly not my A1 first choice for the room, but Im excited to be making headway anyway. Especially as I was only supposed to be buying, um, storage?

They were an outstanding bargain and I look forward to introducing them to you when they get delivered. My poor husband - in for a penny...

Love and Blessings - oh happy day!

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