Tuesday, 18 May 2010

The house part...

Life has, once again, slowly slip slided into utter chaos. We have had all our major furniture deliveries, and my gorgeous french wardrobe is literally ONE INCH too big to get up the stairs! It has made its new (temporary?) home in the diningroom (which is feeling like a one day, next year project...) and as a result Im still seriously lacking in storage for the spare room.

I have approximately 4 garbage bags FULL of baby clothes and sweet things that I am not longer willing to hold onto (unless someone is harbouring a lion/witch wardrobe in their garage and wants to pass it on to me so that I can start using Narnia as a storage space?) an additional 4 bags full of linen and much chaos in between...I mean, seriously, the pile is PERSON hight.... BUT the new drawers are here - so at some point (hopefully soon) we can pack into them and clean some space! I would show you pics of it now but its SO bad that I can only show you the before shots once I have the afters! Its not that I fear you will judge me, because even with your best intentions, let me tell you , you will - it just that I am the queen of chaos. I see hope and potential where other people only see rubbish, and there is a little way to go before Im ready to show you all what I have been quite literally just closing the door on.

The nursery is coming along splendidly - when I have a minute to pick up Levi's strewn wardrobe (he now insists on wading through his cupboard and looking at everything before we are allowed to dress him) I will take some progress pics, and update you with the new plans.

Life has take over once again so progress on the "house part" is a little slow. But it WILL come - I promise!

Lining up some future recipe blogs - any requests?

Love and Blessings - with a yawn!

1 comment:

  1. Request: teach me to make koeksusters IN PERSON so i don't have to dream about them. also i would really like to know how to make good preserves. I wouldnt mind a flop proof cake either and a few tips on egg frying ;)



I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments. I'll do my best to answer questions as quickly as possibly, but with three tiny humans, it can get busy around here. Thanks for stopping by!

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