Wednesday, 29 August 2012

News that can change your life

I've been away for a long time and not without reason. I wish, in many ways, that my absence had been completely without reason - that laziness had overcome me or that I had been distracted by the mundane beauty of day to day life.

The truth is, we had a overwhelming volume of news in a very short space of time. The sort of news that takes a bit of time to process. A season where we were bowled over by waves of joy, and sadness and just needing to carry on with the rest of life all at the same time. I don't think its fair to say I haven't had TIME to blog. I just haven't been at a place where the waves have softened and tide has been steady. I haven't beed ready to share it, to write it. As you well know, when you write something down you have to face that its real.

Last November, in the space of a week, three things happened.

I had to throw away a huge pot of prawn masala curry. There was nothing wrong with it, technically. I just couldn't look at it, smell it, or think about it without gagging. 

12 stitches from the end of an embroidered snow flake, which was to be a pillow case, my phone rang. 

My precious baby boy, celebrated his second birthday. 

No1.  While our precious soon to be new addition was not planned, or "on the cards" if you like, we were filled with joy to be expecting another precious gift and blessing into our lives. The biggest blessings in life are seldom planned. Yes, we were afraid. Yes, I didn't sleep the night after I found out - and not because I was overwhelmed with excitement as I had been with the first two, but because I *knew* what was coming. Yes, for the first time, we decided to keep it a secret until we had reconciled the news in our heads. Well, that was the plan.

No2. I put down my embroidery answered my phone while Mike, my hubby, chatted to a house guest downstairs. The thread still dangles from the needle, who's tip is tucked gently under my last few stitches. My cousin told me as gently as she could that my dad was dead. I can not go into the details for a few months yet. What I CAN tell you is that his heart was fully healed by the Lord, and that he was take from us before he should have been. The circumstances surrounding his passing were very much more complicated than I'm presently at liberty to share on this type of forum, but one day I will fill you in on what I presently will have to leave as aching blanks.

No3. Two days later we had the party we had planned months in advance. We lit candles, we sang, we laughed, we played games, we ate cake and spent time with many precious friends all morning. At 2pm I kiss my boys goodbye for the first time ever, and got a plane back to South Africa to bury my dad.

We're now three days away from September, and If I don't press PUBLISH at the end of this paragraph then we'll pass the whole year of not posting mark. And that would be really sad, because coming back after a YEAR away seems like a much bigger mountain than coming back after 362 days away. A friend joked with my husband that I "Was back in the world of the living"after seeing me linking things up to my pintrest boards again today for the first time in forever. He responded "She's not back till she's blogging again".

So here I am. I can promise I will be slow, and the posts will be less frequent than I'd like. Never the less. Im back.


  1. Nice to have you back :) xx

  2. So sorry to hear about your loss! It's completely understandable that you've needed to take time out - it sounds like a roller coaster year all round. Glad that you're back though - and hoping that you and your boys (and bump?) are all doing well.
    best wishes,
    Paula xxx

  3. At least life manages to give us some good with the bad - I hope the balance improves for you (much more good than bad :-))


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments. I'll do my best to answer questions as quickly as possibly, but with three tiny humans, it can get busy around here. Thanks for stopping by!

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