Thursday, 4 November 2010

The Nursery - at last!

After fighting with a broken blog and then giving up, and then going on holiday to America, I have returned to find that blogger has been updated (hooraaah!) and I can edit things easily and freely without having to rope the tech savy tri-corn in. JOY! SO, now that I have worked out how to have larger format photos (because in the case of pictures bigger really IS better). I can now finally share with you what the nursery is looking like - the first room in the house to be close to completion. 


This is the nursery when it was just home to little Levi, before his brother joined in to bunk. 


Arm chair came in our container from SA, the LOVE pillow is from Primark. Cribs are from e-bay.

The drawers belonged to my Edwardian dressing table, but the mirror had sadly broken and the piece was well past its best. The bookshelf was purchased off ebay as is for £5 and collected from under 2miles away. 

An old wooden milk bottle crate now stores their shoes. 

I have had the hot air balloons in Levi's room since he was born. I was worried about having to recover the arm chair and im so surprised and excited that it works so well as it is.

Looking out from Asher's cot.

Looking back towards Asher's cot.

All in all I'm really pleased with how this has worked out. I spent very little and mainly repurposed what I had (even the rug was out of shed, it used to be in my old livingroom). Id really like to hang some pictures on the wall but as we are renting Im not sure thats going to happen!

Next projects - dining room and living room - all to be done before Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun room for your boys! I love the hot air balloon motif! How do they do sharing a room? How soon after Asher's birth did he sleep in there with Levi?


I love hearing from you! Thanks for your comments. I'll do my best to answer questions as quickly as possibly, but with three tiny humans, it can get busy around here. Thanks for stopping by!

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